Years ago, I had a coworker who every Thursday afternoon would say the same thing at the same time: "I've hit my 32." As in 32 hours. As in "my work week is now over and I'm leaving." He would often update us on how many hours (or minutes) he had left before hitting his 32. The first time I heard it, I thought it was funny -- then I realized he wasn't joking. He was serious. In his mind, his job responsibilities expired the moment he hit 32 hours. One time he hit his 32 in the middle of a conversation. "It's your problem now" was his response. As you might imagine, his attitude didn't do much to "win friends or influence people" -- most noticeably among his coworkers. In the words of Ken Blanchard, he was interested but not committed. “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When…
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Jesus recognizes that the crowd has followed him for the wrong reasons. It’s not because of his teaching, but because he fed them. Jesus seizes upon this as an opportunity to teach about the cost of discipleship. By the end of the encounter, most of the crowd will have left. What Jesus does is redefine what it means to be religious. Rather than being a set of rules to follow, the work of God is to believe in Jesus. But what does that mean? Calling himself “the bread of life,” Jesus teaches us that true belief is finding our satisfaction in him.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church…
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If you’re afraid of God, you’ll move away from him - and that’s the last thing you want to do in a storm. When you move closer to Jesus, he becomes bigger and your fears become smaller. God might not change your storm. But through the power of the Gospel, God can change your story.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church planter with Stadia former former president, Church Planters of the Rockies masters in business administration (mba) helped start 2 for-profit tech companies Need a Speaker or Presenter? Interested in having me speak for your church, conference, or organization? Follow this link to learn more.
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In the hands of Jesus, broken people are useful people. This is true regardless if you’re knee-deep in bad habits or if you’re a mature Christian and have occasional slip ups.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church planter with Stadia former former president, Church Planters of the Rockies masters in business administration (mba) helped start 2 for-profit tech companies Need a Speaker or Presenter? Interested in having me speak for your church, conference, or organization? Follow this link to learn more.
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Here is a short communion meditation I did on the hands of Jesus. It followed my sermon on Jesus feeding the 5,000.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church planter with Stadia former former president, Church Planters of the Rockies masters in business administration (mba) helped start 2 for-profit tech companies Need a Speaker or Presenter? Interested in having me speak for your church, conference, or organization? Follow this link to learn more.
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