Here is a good post for anyone who leads worship at a local church. It's from Andy Stanley at North Point Community Church in Atlanta.
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A blog post from Seth Godin worth repeating (especially to churches): ********** Who spreads your word? In order for an idea to spread, someone has to do the spreading. In the dark ages (ten years ago), the only way to spread your idea on a large scale was to do it yourself. Lots and lots of ads. Today, marketers get all sweaty thinking about how this happens magically, virally, for free. If it were only that easy. What's interesting to me is that different products and ideas are spread by different groups of people. There isn't just one professional association of idea spreaders, with everyone else being passive. If your authentic little Welsh restaurant gets hot, it's going to be because the chowhounds, the folks who love to talk about the next great place, are buzzing about it. On the other hand, if your blog gets a lot of traffic,…
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Found this video from Granger Community Church on the Because People Matter Blog. Four Words from Granger Community on Vimeo.
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Here are a few sites I've come across that you might be interested. Tony Morgan Live: a blog about church leadership, strategy, and technology. Church Relevance: a blog about (you might have guessed it) church relevance. A great resource for how the church can reach out to newcomers in a meaningful way. Small Group Exchange: for anyone involved at any level with small groups. The video section is outstanding! Inside North Point: spiritual voyeurism at its best. A behind-the-scenes look at North Point Community Church led by Andy Stanley. Video Teaching: teaching videos from some of today's leading pastors. Pomomusings: a blog about church design and ministry.
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I've spent my first two days in the office at Mountainview going through employment papers and trying to get my laptop fine-tuned on the network. The papers were fairly simple. My laptop is another story. It's a Dell laptop running Windows Vista (need I say more?). Everything works pretty well except it won't install any of the network printers -- even though I've downloaded the right Vista drivers from HP and others. Vista is visually appealing but I'll like it even more when the printers get working. On another note, we set up our Colorado bank account. We went with Chase because it's close to both the church building and the house. They also have a good online banking interface. All is well. I've got a Starbucks close by, friendly co-workers, and a laptop that won't print!
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