Leaders are people who want to get things done. That’s why we lead teams, organizations, or businesses. We have dreams and visions, goals and objectives, and a finite amount of time in which to operate (i.e., no one lives forever!). And it often means having to work with people to get things done.
The question is: what is the best way to speed up your team?
Because we want to get things done, we’re constantly looking for better ways to do things. Not shortcuts – unless the shortcut produces a better result. Typically, we’re refining our systems and structures to be more efficient. The idea is simple: the more efficient we become, the more we will be able to do – and quicker.
Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m no fan of inefficiency. I believe our organizations can always be more efficient. But there is one tool in a leader’s toolbox that is more effective than efficiency at speeding up a team. What is it?
It’s not a system or structure, though it certainly influences our systems and structures.
It’s not a new incentive structure or bonus payout, though it will lead to more productive teams.
It’s one word.
If you want to get a group of ten or twelve individuals to work faster together, focus on deepening the trust they have in you and each other. A team that trusts one another works well together. Which means, they spend less time worrying and more time doing.
A team that doesn’t trust one another will begin to slow down. Additional information will be needed before making a decision (more meetings), more questions will be asked (in those meetings), and false assumptions about a person’s intentions will exert unnecessary sideways energy. Which will lead to even more meetings.
Even more harmful than unnecessary meetings is the damage that distrust does to a team’s morale and spirit. Generally speaking, only mentally unstable people thrive on constant drama and unhealthy conflict.
Notice I said, “unhealthy conflict.” A team that operates on trust will still have conflict, but because they trust one another they are able to work through it faster. Instead of “the meeting after the meeting,” a trusting team has the hard conversations and moves on.
As a leader, the best thing you can do to speed up your team is to be intentional about creating a culture of trust. It starts with you — you can’t delegate your character development to someone. It will require changes. It will be hard and you’ll wonder if it’s worth it.
Trust me.
It’s worth it.
Experience and Background
- Professor at Warner University
- masters in business administration (mba)
- presenter at the WFX National Conference
- former president, Church Planters of the Rockies
- helped start 2 for-profit tech companies
Sermon Videos
To get a better feel for my style and personality, you can watch past sermons on our YouTube channel.
Coaching Opportunities
One of the things I enjoy the most is helping individuals or organizations reach their full potential. It’s been said, “everyone wins when a leader gets better.”
Guest Speaking
Need an engaging speaker for your event or conference? At the moment, I am available on a limited basis to speak for seminars, workshops, or worship services. Click here to learn more.
Trouble Sleeping?
I’ve written a few books that might help! You’ll find books on preaching, leadership, Ephesians, as well as my first novel. Follow this link to learn more.