Well, hello 2013.
We’re officially entering that time period where we will write the wrong date for about a week or two. Even typing 2013 seems odd. Today marks the end of one year; tomorrow begins a new one. At the stroke of midnight, the year will change.
But will you?
I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions (I’ve tried once or twice). Even though I don’t make resolutions doesn’t mean I just stumble into a new year unprepared.
Instead of resolutions, I try to find reflections. I try to reflect on what went well during the previous year … and what didn’t. I try to find time to think deeply about who I am and who I want to be. I spend time going through my relationships. I dust-off my mission to see how closely I am still aligned with it.
Reflecting is one of the many reasons I love this time of year. I have found that my reflections shed light on where I need to go. They illuminate themes I need to read up on. They highlight areas of life that need addressed.
And with the new year comes new opportunities.
- To love more.
- To serve more.
- To read more.
- To pray more.
- To be less critical.
- To be more optimistic.
- To take new chances.
- To dream big.
There’s nothing magical about the stroke of midnight tonight. There’s nothing in the coming of a new year that guarantees change. It’s just an opportunity to recalibrate your life; as is every day.
My prayer for you is that you will see each and every day as an opportunity. Give thanks for the first breath you take each day. Make the most of your waking hours.
Before you know it (Lord willing), we’ll be knocking on the door of 2014.
—— For Those Who Like to Read —–
If you’re looking for something to give guidance to your new year, here are a few books that I have found helpful.
The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.
Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud.