It’s not very often that I use an exclamation point in my blog heading. Especially since I’ve been using all lowercase letters and to use proper grammar seems out of place …
But last night’s cafe was worthy of an exclamation point. We featured two local artists — Dustin Shey and Gregory Page. Both did a fantastic job. Dustin went solo, just him and his acoustic guitar. I first met Dustin back during the pre-launch days of LifePoint. It was good stuff.
Gregory Page is the first artist I’ve invited to the LifePoint cafe that I hadn’t first met in person. He’s very well-known in local music circles and I can see why. He brought along an awesome female vocalist and a violin player. He himself started off with the ukelele and then went to the acoustic guitar. It was fantastic … in spite of our demon-possessed sound system that seems to have a mind of its own.
We’ll be hosting another cafe at the end of this month … stay tuned.