I’m sitting in Starbucks enjoying a hot cup of coffee and I’m not sure which I’m most thankful for — the coffee or the ability to sit and type.
One month ago I hurt my hip while playing a game of pick-up basketball. I’d like to say that I landed wrong after slamming a dunk. Truth be told, I simply got knocked down and landed on my kiester. That allowed me to get reacquainted with my sciatic nerve.
For the last three weeks, I’ve been visiting a chiropractor who also attends Mountainview. Dr. Rob Anderson (on Twitter @DrRobAnderson) has patiently explained things to me, twisted me further than I’ve been twisted before, and is getting me back on the straight and narrow. And here I am today sitting comfortably and typing away!
The basic principle of chiropractic care (in laymen’s terms) is that we all need adjustments to stay in alignment. That same principle is true in other areas of life as well.
- When our relationships are strained or tense, that’s a sign they are out of alignment.
- When our teams act more like individuals than teams, that’s a sign they are out of alignment.
- When our schedules get filled with things that are urgent but not necessarily important, that’s a sign they are out of alignment.
So, what do you do? On the one hand, you can do nothing. Denial is a strong temptation. Of course, doing nothing is really doing something — just not the right something.
Another option is to continue doing what you’ve been doing — and settle for the results you’ve been getting. But it’s not that easy. Doing what we’ve always done may actually make the problem worse.
The best option, and the most painful but rewarding, is to make an adjustment. Do something different.
A good coach will make an adjustment if he sees that a certain play or player isn’t working. A good marriage will make an adjustment to become an even better marriage. A good leader is constantly making adjustments, to seize opportunities or avoid pitfalls.
The next time you sense something is out of alignment, ask yourself, “What adjustment do I need to make?”