Ken Hensley was born and raised in Peoria, IL, and did his undergraduate work at Freed-Hardeman University and graduate work at Bethel Theological Seminary.
Ken has led churches in several of America’s finest cities – San Diego, San Francisco, Atlanta, and now Denver.
In 1999, Ken entered the dot com world and co-founded a business that enabled non-profits to make better use of emerging technologies. During this same time, he also worked in the pre-launch days at Christianity.com – when the coffee and donuts were free and foosball breaks were required.
In 2005, Ken was hired by Stadia: New Church Strategies to return to San Diego and start LifePoint Christian Church. During his time at LifePoint Ken had the pleasure of seeing people who were disconnected from God find their way back to him. Ken also had the privilege of partnering with other new churches to reach San Diego and beyond.
The Hensleys now live in Denver, where Ken is the Senior Pastor at Mountainview Christian Church in Highlands Ranch. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Church Planters of the Rockies, an organization that starts new churches along the Front Range of Colorado.
Lead Like Moses
How would you like to lead a group of people that you did not want to lead in a task for which you did not volunteer?
Welcome to the life of Moses.
By birth, Moses should have been raised as a slave. Instead, he is raised in privilege in the most powerful household in Egypt. At the age of eighty, he returns to Egypt to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land.
Discover the leadership principles that made Moses a great leader.
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John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States, once defined leadership in these terms: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
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One of the most daunting tasks a person can undertake is preaching. Every seven days you must stand before a group of people and offer a word from God to them. If your week gets filled with appointments, Sunday is still on the way.
A preacher must wrestle with the text before he can adequately present it. There are times when clarity unfolds slowly. Yet, the preacher must find the right words to describe The Word.
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The idea for "Lesser Angels" came about when my brothers and I found an old divorce certificate tucked into a box in my mother's closet. My parents had been married for forty-three years; none of us knew about mom's previous marriage. This discovery led to a series of other questions: What else didn't we know? Was her first husband still alive? Why did they get married? Why did they get divorced? "Lesser Angels" tells the story of a brother and sister in search of answers to these questions.
Made for More
One of the reasons I love the book of Ephesians is because of how it calls us to live for more than the ordinary life we often settle for. This is true of our personal lives, in our families, and how we interact within the church. God has so much more in store for us – blessings, opportunities, growth, and a purpose so compelling that our brothers and sisters down through the ages have given up their lives for it.
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Who do you think you are? That question shapes how we approach everything in life - problems, opportunities, relationships, and more. Our sense of identity influences whether we live in confidence or with shame and insecurity.
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We learn a lot from the questions a person asks - we learn about them and we learn about ourselves. Questions reveal a person's perspective, which is built upon their assumptions and their beliefs. If you pay close attention to the questions a person's asks, you will be given a window into how they think and feel.
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