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Church-related posts, ministry ideas and influences, etc.

The World We Have and the World We Want to Have

By Church, Leadership
Like many other things, I did not choose to be a Cubs fan. It chose me. Had I been born in Los Angeles or New York City, there's a good chance I would have been a life-long Dodgers or Yankees fan. But, by the mercy of God, I arrived at St. Francis Hospital on a November's day in Peoria, IL, and didn't leave again until I went away to college. I had other childhood friends, even a few of my own brothers -- born at the same hospital -- who became (of all things) Cardinal fans! To be fair, Central Illinois is sort of the baseball version of the Mason-Dixon line in Illinois. Some become Cubs fans, others grope in the darkness. As I look back over the factors that shaped my life, I have to admit I had zero control over many of them: I was born in 1969…
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Jesus Died for Us (video)

By Church, Preaching
The heart of the gospel is that Christ died for us. The message of Christianity is not about what we do for God but what he has done for us. What makes this message even more remarkable is that “Christ died for the ungodly” and “while we were still sinners.” In other words, he didn’t reward us for our good behavior. It’s important to note that it is God who took the initiative: “God demonstrates his own love for us.” We respond in faith to what God has already done.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church planter with Stadia former former president, Church Planters of the Rockies masters…
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Decisions Set Direction

By Church
A father had brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus' disciples in order to be healed. They could not do it. When Jesus arrives (after the Transfiguration), the father asks Jesus what seems to be a reasonable request: If you can do anything to help, it sure would be appreciated. The next two verses record Jesus' response and the father's reaction: “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” - Mark 9:23-24 Many of us can relate to this father … I really do believe in Jesus. I really do believe God is in control. It's relatively easy to believe in God when life is relatively easy. But then there are those moments when life is difficult, a marriage falls apart, or a child rebels. In those moments, we might wonder why and feel…
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Saying Yes to God

By Church, Preaching
The two most basic words in the English language are also two of the most powerful … yes and no. When Tonya said yes to my marriage proposal, that yes has impacted every day of my life for over thirty years. The word no can change your life, too. You probably have a few yes/no stories of your own. A vibrant spiritual life is one that says YES to God more than it says NO.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church planter with Stadia former former president, Church Planters of the Rockies masters in business administration (mba) helped start 2 for-profit tech companies Need a Speaker or Presenter?…
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Church – It’s Not About You (video)

By Church, Preaching
Although this verse is a rather standard greeting of Paul’s, it would be wrong to simply dismiss it. When Paul refers to the church, he makes a very important theological statement: the church itself is “in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Paul reminds them of their position in God and in Christ, not just as individuals but collectively as the church. We are in God and in Christ because God has chosen us. John the Apostle would later write, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10). This message emphasizes that the church exists for God, not the other way around.Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing…
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