Today I took Hope downtown to see the Holiday Bowl parade and then we walked to Horton Plaza for lunch. While walking around Horton Plaza, Hope declares that she wants to get her ears pierced. At first I thought it was a passing thing but she kept coming back to it. And continued to do so at home. So ... we went to Parkway Plaza tonight with Tonya and Hope got her ears pierced. These pictures prove it!
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We had a great Christmas here in San Diego. Just to let the rest of you know how hard it is to live in San Diego, I've included a picture taken of the thermometer in our backyard.
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I've created a new multimedia page on where I'll upload occasional video clips. Right now it has two: a snippet from the Barenaked Ladies concert we went to and one of Hope learning to ride her bike (sorry, no crash clips).
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It was sixteen years ago today that Tonya and I were married in Memphis, Tennessee. The weather did not cooperate and a raging thunderstorm swept through West Tennessee. The wedding itself was very elegant and included many family and friends. If I felt so compelled, I might have scanned a few wedding pictures and uploaded them with this blog -- but then I would have been bombarded with all these comments about how skinny I was back then and why I don't wear the really big glasses anymore! And once a picture is on the Internet, who knows how it might come back to haunt me if I ever decide to run for President.Following our wedding, we finished out one semester of college and then headed for the West Coast -- San Diego, to be specific. Our first real home and ministry job was with the now defunct Allied Gardens…
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Here are a few pictures from the kids' Christmas program at Southwestern Christian School.
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