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15,139 postcards delivered today

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I'm blogging from a comfortable chair at Twiggs because I'm worn out. Our direct mail postcards arrived from Toronto today ... all 60,000 of them, neatly divided into four pallets. They've taken over our garage. After unloading 76 trays of postcards, I had to take the first shipment to the La Mesa post office to be processed. That meant loading 18 trays into the back of my Honda, driving to La Mesa, unloading them so they could be weighed, and then reloading them back into the Honda. After that, I had to drive to Carmel Mountain to the main mail processing plant and do the same thing again. I need to join a pastor's union.If you haven't seen the postcards, click here to check them out.
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6 days to grand opening

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We began the process of starting LifePoint six months ago ... we’re now six days away from Grand Opening! Over the course of the previous six months we have had over 130 people come to a LifePoint function, not to mention the countless others you have told our story to. We have migrated from Sunday nights at the Hensley house to a very unique Sunday worship space. It has been quite a ride.The greatest pleasure has been meeting people like you. Throughout history, whenever God put a vision in place he always provided the resources needed to carry out the vision. You are LifePoint’s greatest resource.Investing yourself in a new way of doing church will be one of your life’s most rewarding experiences. God has granted you an opportunity that only a few believers will ever experience. Not many people can say, “I was there from day one.”I’m planning on…
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the benefits of drinking coffee

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I've been preaching the virtues of drinking coffee since I was in the sixth grade. My mom and dad brewed their coffee in a percolator that sat on the stove. Myself, I've graduated from a Mr. Coffee to a french press and am loving every minute of it.So ... today I'm browsing through Google News and find this story about how coffee has the most antioxidants of any food or beverage. And it's a legitimate study, too, not one funded by Folgers or Howard Schultz. It was done by an outfit known as the American Chemical Society. Sounds good enough for me.Sitting there next to this story is a sidebar link entitled, "Coffee: The New Health Food?" Of course, I had to click there as well. Here's what I found ...Drinking coffee cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes. "After analyzing data on 126,000 people for as long as 18…
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great preview service

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Our last and final preview service for LifePoint was this past Sunday morning. We had 50 people show up with little to no advertising. Our one-week-old band played a great set of music and the morning flowed really well. With the gathering set to start in about 15 minutes, I finally was able to get MediaShout working on their projection system. No sweat :-)We now have one "down" Sunday left and then our Grand Opening is September 11. It's been exciting to see how God is arranging the parts of the puzzle.
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i’m starting to get gray hair

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I can only remember my dad having gray hair. As the youngest of five boys, I came along when dad was 42 years old. My little league buddies would ask, "Hey, is that your grandpa?" But in spite of the hereditary propensities and having two small children, I've been blessed to have avoided the gray hairs ...Until deciding to plant a church. Lately I've noticed a few stray grays shooting up above the ears on both sides. I've had hints of gray in my goatee for quite some time, but that doesn't really count.It might be the result of all the little details that a pastor takes for granted when serving in an existing church. Details that a church planter cannot take for granted. LifePoint made the decision not to use the typical metal communion trays many churches use. It's not our style. OK, so what is? You have to…
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