Every now and then I get to hang out with church planters. Most of them haven’t shaved in a few days and wear wrinkled shirts … just kidding — I used to be one of those guys. Come to think of it, there are days I still look like one 🙂
Yesterday was one of those days. In the early afternoon I spent time with Jonathan Simpson, a guy who is looking to plant in South Denver. He’s on staff at The Rock of Southwest, a church that has birthed three churches and a new campus in six years. I enjoyed hearing his vision of starting a movement rather than just a church. When Tonya and I planted a church with Stadia, they challenged us to define success in terms of having a granddaughter church. In other words, not one church but three or more.
Then last night I enjoyed dinner with the staff of Elevation Christian Church in Aurora. A few months ago they asked me to join their administrative team. In exchange for my advice and counsel, I get to enjoy hanging out with church planters. And it often involves food. Scott, Ryan, and their team just moved into new facilities that will give them an even greater growth capacity. It’s exciting to hear what God is doing in their midst.
I have longed believed that big cities require big dreams and bold actions. I admire church planters because they are not among those who “shrink back and are destroyed.”
I would encourage you to remember these two efforts in your prayers. Even better, get involved with a new church either personally or financially — or both! It will be the ride of your spiritual life.