In about a week, we will open the first session of E4U at Mountainview. As we seek to help people discover God and grow deeper in Him, we are building E4U around six key values:
- Think Life Change: we wish to provide an atmosphere where lives can be changed. Our goal is to not to simply convey information but to encourage transformation.
- Cultivate Community: we believe spiritual formation happens best within relationships. Regardless of the length of a class or seminar, we will keep in mind the relational aspect of learning and growing.
- Promote Participation: we value shared participation because it creates broad ownership. The point of learning is not to impress but to progress. E4U will encourage participation because students must be actively engaged in their own growth and development.
- Build Leaders: we seek to help you discover and develop your leadership capabilities. Leaders come in all shapes and forms. By investing in your maturity, you are investing in your ability to lead — yourself and others.
- Provide Care: we will do more than educate, we will serve and minister to each other. As the occasion arises, we will must be willing to forgo our agenda and adapt to the needs in people’s lives.
- Multiply Influence: we desire to see God’s kingdom expanded and his name magnified. Ultimately, we are motivated by a desire to see God’s influence grow in our own lives, our neighborhoods, and beyond.