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I’m wrapping up our “Broken” series at Mountainview this weekend with a message about Paul and Barnabus.  Actually, it’s more about Barnabus than Paul.

In each of our messages during this series we have focused on a biblical character who suffered a setback only to have God turn it into a comeback.  We’ve looked at David, Moses, and Peter.  In each case, they suffered setbacks that could have easily knocked them out of the game.

This message is different.  Instead of focusing just on Paul and his setback, we’re going to explore the role that Barnabus played in Paul’s comeback.  You might know that Barnabus’ name means “son of encouragement.”  It’s his encouragement of Paul that enables Paul to become the mighty man of God he eventually becomes.

Encouragement is a powerful tool.  It lifts up the heart.  It gives hope.  It points to the future.

It should be obvious, but broken people need encouragement.  Quite literally they need someone to draw alongside them and put the courage back in.

Setbacks rock our sense of identity.  When we fail, our will to risk again may be weakened.  Broken people often wonder if they can be put back together.

Exercise encouragement honestly and often.  Be liberal with hope-filled words.  Speak up.  Extend your hand.  Advocate on behalf of those who cannot advocate for themselves.

Be like Barnabus.