Sometimes we get so busy that we fail to slow down and recognize the many good things that God has poured into our life. There will be pessimists quick to point out the rough spots — but I’ll leave that up to them.
I’m continually amazed that God saw fit to bless me with a wonderful wife and companion. It’s a joy to watch her interact with our daughters and to see them adopting many of her wonderful qualities. She’s also a very dedicated teacher who loves her job and the people she works with.
Our daughters, Hannah and Hope, are a constant source of laughter and emotions (FYI: I’m sure there will come a time when the emotions will not be so cherished). Hannah just got braces and it’s fun just to look at her. Hope’s sense of humor is maturing and pretty quick. I’m just happy to be around for the ride.
Things at LifePoint continue to move forward. We have had a steady stream of new faces, some from our postcards and others from Craigslist. It’s become quite a challenge to remember all the names — a challenge I would welcome any day.
Each week I am surrounded by the same people who helped launch this crazy endeavor. Many of them serve quietly in the background and without much fanfare. It’s such a pleasure to work alongside some of the same people who helped us get started in ministry back in 1991.
I feel very blessed to have a worship band comprised of people who just enjoy leading worship. Each of them are talented musicians but more importantly, they have the servant-heart of a Christ-follower. Since Justin Gramm stepped in to lead our worship, the worship has taken on a very positive tone. Our morale is good and the music continues to move in the right direction.
Now, on a personal level, if I could just shed about 10 pounds …