What does salvation mean to you?
For many of us, we define salvation in very personal, limited terms. Jesus died for me, therefore, I will live with him. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. I have a personal relationship with Jesus. “Jesus loves me, this I know…”
In some ways, these views of salvation fit very nicely with the very reasons why we needed saving in the first place. We tend to be self-absorbed, superficial people. At the root of our sin problem is pride: we are the problem. It’s not the devilĀ or the corruption in Washington or the declining moral standards in Hollywood. The problem is not out there somewhere; it’s me. I am the problem.
In addition to the forgiveness of sins, the transforming work of Jesus on the cross should also bring about a change in perspective. I see myself differently. I see God differently. I see others differently. Rather than shrinking our focus, the saving grace of Jesus should enlarge our perspective. There is an entire world out there that God loves and that Jesus died for. If I have been gripped by grace, then I must be less self-absorbed and more concerned for the welfare of others.
A self-absorbed Christian is one who hasn’t fully understood what God wants to do — in them or through them.
In a very real sense, Jesus saves us from ourselves.
My prayer for you today is that you will allow God to enlarge your perspective to see …
- the possibilities all around you
- the opportunities in every conversation
- the dreams inside your children
- the abundance of his resources
- the willingness of God to partner with you
- the expanding influence of his church throughout the world
Don’t cheat yourself by settling for self-absorption when God has so much for you and those around you.