People who have comeback capabilities are the ones who face their failures, learn from their mistakes, and begin moving forward.
You see this in sports. No quarterback wins every game. Every quarterback misses a read and throws an interception — and sometimes it may cost them the game. But the next week will find the good quarterbacks watching film, making notes, and rehearsing how they would do it differently when they face the same situation again.
The same is true in healthy marriages (except there may not be as much film to watch). Having a healthy marriage doesn’t mean the husband will never say anything stupid; sorry ladies, but it doesn’t even reduce the odds. But in a good marriage both partners face up to their mistakes and move on.
Winston Churchill once said, “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
To turn a setback into a comeback, we must first admit it was really a setback.