I’m a dummy. Maybe I’m only admitting what some of you have known for a quite awhile. If so, please be kind … my children may still think otherwise.
What brought me to this recent revelation? The book I bought at Barnes and Noble told me I was a dummy. In fact, it reassured me that I wasn’t the only dummy but part of a larger group of dummies. There are times when one can find comfort in numbers; I’m not sure this is one of them.
Sitting three feet away from me is a book entitled, “InDesign CS2 for Dummies.” It’s mine. It’s not a gift for someone else. I am that dummy!
The “For Dummies” series of book have swamped every conceivable topic. Based on the large number of titles in the series, I can only assume that I’m surrounded by a bunch of dummies. Fortunately, I’ve not seen the “Brain Surgery for Dummies” book yet. But I emphasize yet.
Since we’re being candid, can I let you in on a secret? You’re probably a dummy, too. That’s ok: God loves dummies.
The “For Dummies” books are designed for people who want to learn, expand, grow, and develop. But the title alone forces you to admit that you don’t know it all; in fact, you may not know anything at all.
Take it from this dummy: When it comes to matters of faith and spirituality, we all have room to learn, expand, grow, and develop.
I love this series of books. I have a whole shelf dedicated to them in my library.