LifePoint sponsored a booth at CityFest yesterday. Matt Tuggle did a great job helping unload and setup everything … at the bright and early time of 7:30. After eating a muffin together, I left Matt to bolt over to Mission Valley in time to do a few things before our worship gathering started. After that, Jonathan and I headed back over to CityFest to relieve Matt, Charles, and Cory.
I told Jonathan that working at CityFest revived my days of working at the Heart of Illinois Fair in Peoria. For three summers during high school, I had a job selling t-shirts at the fair. I worked for one of those rolling booths that travelled the fair and festival circuit. We had about 50 or so different iron designs and I learned how to crank out t-shirts as quickly as possible. I also learned how to shout out at people walking by. I wasn’t quite as eloquent as the two guys who worked at the lemonade stand next door … but I did have a larger vocabulary 🙂
Anyway, back to CityFest. We created a booth that showed the various sides of LifePoint with the overall theme being, “If going to church was like going to Starbucks …” We had a chance to interact with a number of people and had 30 people enter a contest to win free Starbucks gift cards. Not too bad for a crowd that wasn’t exactly at CityFest looking for a church.
At the end of it all, Jonathan and I broke everything down, loaded up, and headed home. It’s Monday afternoon and I’m beginning to recover.
Who knows … we may hit Octoberfest next!