It’s not easy to be a leader.
Unless you are a leader who never makes a decision (which probably means you’re not really a leader), you’ll have to say yes or no to certain things. Saying “yes” may green-light a project, giving life to a dream or aspiration. Saying “no” may just as easily dim another person’s dream.
Either way, it takes courage to make a decision and stick with it. Leaders are often tempted to change direction when a decision appears to be failing when it fact it may just need more time.
It also takes courage to admit a mistake and change course. It may require apologizing to those who were originally told no … or putting the brakes on someone who was originally told yes.
Leaders must have courage to lead well. Any decision carries with it risk and a potential upside (or downside). A leader must have the courage to make the best possible decision with the information at hand … and trust God to be involved.