In February of 2005, I posted an ad on Craigslist for a new small group study I would be hosting at our house. The theme of the study was “Ordinary Spirituality.” A day or so later I received an email from a lady who wanted to participate and asked if she could come by and pick up the materials.
We spoke for a few minutes the day she stopped by to pick up the study guide. In her late thirties, she hadn’t attended church since she was seven or eight years old. But she was excited about the idea of learning about how to find God in the ordinary parts of life.
When the study concluded four weeks later, she came back for the next Sunday night and the next topic. Soon thereafter she decided to become a part of LifePoint’s launch team. As we prepared for our grand opening, she rarely missed a Sunday night. At our first service, she brought in her coffee cart and served free espressos and lattes — something she did for the first several months of our new church’s life.
In the spring of 2006, five people gathered in our backyard and watched as she was baptized. We celebrated together her decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
Though she already had an MBA, she moved to Minneapolis to study for a Masters degree in theology at Bethel Seminary. Her new goal in life: to combine her financial expertise with the gospel of Jesus and work in third-world, developing countries. She is now on the verge of graduating and moving to the mission field.
When she heard about our move to Denver, she sent me a Facebook message which read in part: “LifePoint was the church that got me hooked. I HEART LifePoint.”
In the not-so-distant future, LifePoint’s influence will spread to another part of the globe, to a people much different from us. What Tina found in her life, many others have as well as a result of our church. Though our season of ministry may be drawing to a close, our impact will live on in your hearts and hands.
i have met tina. she is an extraordinary individual. I can understand how she might be viewed as a legacy. tina is not a legacy. she is a promise. a promise you helped nurture. on behalf of the body, i thank you.
Hi Robert, I agree! Thanks for the kind words.