When was the last time you woke up and thought to yourself, “I have the opportunity to make an eternal difference in someone’s life today”?
Perhaps each of us should have those word printed on little cards and stuck to our bathroom mirror. It wouldn’t hurt. In fact, it might help us to see our daily interactions as divine opportunities to bless someone else.
Too often we see a situation through a temporary set of eyes. It’s an interruption. It’s a chance meeting. We miss the clues that allow us glimpses into people’s real needs – the needs for love, forgiveness, and purpose.
Tomorrow morning take a look around. See people not as a certain age or gender but as people who have eternal destinies. Not as a waitress or clerk but as a person destined to spend eternity with or without God.
It may be your smile or word of encouragement that helps set a person down a different path.
Don’t shy away from putting in a good word for Jesus to a friend or neighbor. You might be the only person who ever does.
hey, thanks…