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mothering a new church

Below is a list of thirteen ways a church benefits by starting another church.  The list is taken from Spin-off Churches: How One Church Successfully Plants Another by Harrison, Cheyney and Overstreet


  1. Sponsoring keeps the church fresh and alive to its mission and vision and challenges the church’s faith.
  2. Sponsoring reminds the church of the challenge to pray for the lost.
  3. Sponsoring enables the church to welcome other people into the kingdom that it would not otherwise have assimilated.
  4. Sponsoring creates a climate open to birthing a variety of need-meeting groups within the sending church.
  5. Sponsoring provides evangelistic vitality and activity.
  6. Sponsoring encourages the discovery and development of new and latent leaders.
  7. Sponsoring encourages coaching, mentoring, and apprenticeship in ministry while providing a renewed understanding of how we are all part of a team effort.
  8. Sponsoring provides an occasion for church members to get to know missionaries personally.
  9. Sponsoring builds on the past and insures the future.
  10. Sponsoring minimizes the tendency toward a self-centered ministry.
  11. Sponsoring provides an education in missions and serves as a stimulus for young people’s dedication to Christian service.
  12. Sponsoring provides a visible proof that God is still working through people and that some are responding to his commission to go out and evangelize.
  13. Sponsoring provides a new opportunity for personal involvement in missions.