We had a tremendous turnout for our recent Vision Night at Mountainview. We started hosting an annual Vision Night last year as a way of celebrating the previous year and outlining the goals and dreams that are on the horizon. What I will do over the next few posts is to recap what we shared.
Mountainview exists to Glorify God, Grow in Jesus, and to Go into the World.
At the beginning of 2014, we introduced a revised mission statement that captured the values that have defined Mountainview and added an emphasis on doing all to the glory of God. Below are highlights of how our 3G mission was lived out in 2014.
2014 Highlights
Over 30 people said “Yes!” to following Jesus.
14 people were baptized.
Children are learning God’s plan for their lives. Kids Camp served nearly 200 kids.
Students are being challenged to grow in their faith.
We have more adult volunteers in student ministries now than we did two years ago.
Attendance at our student fall retreat was double that of the previous year.
We have men and women diving into Bible studies on a weekly basis.
Our women’s director, Rebecca Goodenow, is the featured teacher for the Thursday morning Community Bible Study group.
Nearly two-thirds of our adult attenders are involved in a LifeGroup and we’ve added new leaders and new groups.
Encore provides connection opportunities to our “50 and better” members – and even convinces people to dress up like Elvis.
We have a volunteer-led prayer ministry that ministers at the close of every service.
We launched Stephen Ministry, a volunteer-driven care ministry, and just added two new leaders – Byron and Marcene Culbertson.
We attempted to launch a new campus in Westwood in partnership with Elevation CC. That didn’t work out but we still have people dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus in Westwood and across South Denver.
412 is a Friday night ministry to students in Westwood, an inner city community in Denver. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to continue programming and have a need for people interested in serving down there. More information is on your table.
Our community service at Civic Green Park was a great success. It didn’t rain, we had great worship, and it was a lot of fun. And it’s coming back this year.
On the Missions Front
We sent Joe and Jennifer Brown to be full-time missionaries in Ukraine. This brings us to three Mountainview families who serve on the mission field: the Browns, Tony and Freddie Herrera, and Carl and Chris Medearis.
We continued our support of Camp Como, Edge Student Life, TCI in Ukraine, and Tiny Hands in Nepal.
We helped start Front Range Christian Church in Castle Rock and continued our support of Elevation Christian Church in Aurora.
In the spring of 2014, Mountainview was blessed with a stock donation valued at just under $500,000. In keeping with our desire to be a mission-minded church, we immediately tithed 10% of that to missions. A few of the ministries we were able to bless include:
Bridge of Hope
Robins Nest
Crossroads International Student Ministries – a new ministry led by Christy Dallakoti that will reach out to international students in Denver.
Church Planters of the Rockies
Pioneer Bible Translators
Sierra Leone Ministry
We then set aside $100,000 into reserves. We also set aside money for building and technology upgrades (maybe you’ve noticed the TV’s in classrooms), as well as for external marketing.