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mountainview vision night part two

We had a tremendous turnout for our recent Vision Night at Mountainview. We started hosting an annual Vision Night last year as a way of celebrating the previous year and outlining the goals and dreams that are on the horizon. What I will do over the next few posts is to recap what we shared.

What Will We Do In 2015 To Further Accomplish Our 3G Mission?

Launching a new emphasis on Family Ministry.

People move to Highlands Ranch for the quality of life and family-friendly amenities. We believe that an effective family ministry emphasis is attractive to outsiders and provides members with the resources they need to grow a healthy family.

One key feature of this was introduced in January: Faith Path. This is a tool to help parents shepherd the spiritual growth of their children.  We also released a new website designed for families:

Increasing involvement in LifeGroups.

LifeGroups represent one of our best growth and retention tools. In 2014, we had over two-thirds of our adult attenders in a LifeGroup. As more people get involved in a group they are less likely to fall through the cracks. A key principle that we believe is this: In order to grow larger, we will need to also grow smaller through groups.

Providing outreach series and events to assist you in inviting friends.

We will continue to be intentional about reaching people who are far from God. While we plan every weekend teaching series with the unchurched in mind, we have designed two specific series as outreach series.

The first will be immediately after Easter and is called “Unstuck.” It will be a short, three-week series, focused on helping people get unstuck from their past, their failures, and moving into God’s future.

The second will be a back-to-school series entitled, “Hope: How to Get Through What You’re Going Through.” It will provide biblical advice on how to handle life’s difficulties.

How can you help? Invite your friends and reach out to people you don’t recognize at weekend services.

Hiring of new staff to increase momentum and ministry.

We believe a few key, strategic staff positions will enhance our ministry. These positions will be focused on the Grow and Go parts of our mission.

The first one that we will begin searching for is a Director of Congregational Care. This person will lead a team in the development of infrastructure to insure the existence of a solid “care environment” for all church attendees. In addition, they will share leadership responsibilities for Stephen Ministry.

As we continue to grow, we will look to add a community involvement/outreach person who will spear-head our efforts to be involved in our local community.

Building remodel and site development plan.

When we decided not to submit a bid for the former Denver Christian School property, we say that as God providing clarity in regards to our location. Our building is an asset and a tool to be used to reach our community. We have plans to spruce things up, modernize our children’s area, and make other key improvements to maximize our building.

Explore a capital drive to expand our ministry impact and eliminate our debt.

We must address our debt as it directly impacts our ability to accomplish our mission and vision. We recently refinanced our mortgage, which in real dollars amounted to saving $6,000 per month. In order to accelerate our debt reduction, we will apply the $6,000 savings ($72,000 per year) to principle.