I believe we — Mountainview — are living in a time of kairos, of God’s favor. Here are just a few examples:
In 2015, we baptized 39 people (compared to 14 the year before)
In 2015, our student ministry grew from 40 to 75 students.
In 2015, we had over 125 kids attend Kid’s Camp.
In 2015, we had 18 babies born to families in our church.
In 2015, we had 77 first-time givers who each gave an average of $197 the first time.
In 2015, we doubled the number of highly trained Stephen Ministers.
In 2015, we held our first off-site Christmas Eve service in Lone Tree and had 100 attend.
In 2015, we helped start two new churches here in Denver.
At our recent Vision Night, I shared an ambitious plan to conduct the first extensive remodel of our facility. We are calling this ministry expansion EnVision — because we are envisioning what God wants to do through his church.
We want to make the most of every opportunity that God give us.