I’ve been reading each morning from a book called “Pause, Recharge, Refresh” by H.B. London. It’s written especially for pastors but each little section really applies to everyone. This morning I read a chapter about persevering in your call. Here is part of what London wrote.
I used to be a duffer. Many of you know how difficult a game golf is. One good shot – one close to the pin or one 250-yard drive – gives you the feeling you can make that shot every time. But you know you can’t, just like you can solve everyone’s problems, preach the perfect sermon, always live up to others’ expectations, or even live up to your own.
But there is one major difference – golf is a game. Your lot in life is determined by a calling. I can quit golf and look at my clubs in the garage without any guilt. But I cannot give up on my calling – nor can you! You, my colleague, are my hero because you can “endure hardship” and just keep right on going.
So tee it up, give it your best shot, and let our Lord – the One who called you – keep the score.
“But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).
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