One of my favorite chapters in Primal by Mark Batterson is called “The Tribe of the Transplanted.” It begins by discussing the topic of heart transplants and how the recipients are changed. Those who received new hearts spoke of having new desires, new passions. They spoke of having a sense of responsibility to the men and women who donated their hearts.
Taking it from physiology to spirituality, Batterson then writes, “When you give your heart to Christ, Christ gives His heart to you.” We become a part of the tribe of the transplanted. Having the heart of Jesus within us should move us to act and feel differently.
Unfortunately, many Christ-followers are often viewed as heartless. And this is where Batterson talks about approaching our culture heart-first instead of head-first. He calls compassion the “ultimate apologetic.”
“If you are in Christ and Christ is in you, you cannot be okay with suffering or injustice or starvation. Why? Because His heart is in you.”