Scott Ginsberg is most famous for wearing a name tag that reads “Hello, My Name is Scott” around the clock … and has done so for years. His blog is a good read. In a recent blog post, he discussed a few things he has learned from wearing a name tag:
1. Stop proving yourself and start expressing yourself. This is a hard and humbling shift to make in your behavior. Took me about five years. And looking back, I now realize there are a few steps that can be taken by anyone to do so:
FIRST: Stop proclaiming and start displaying. Create avenues for others to experience your unique talents.
SECOND: Stop demanding your rights and start deploying your gifts. An attitude of entitlement doesn’t look good on anyone.
THIRD: Stop trying to be somebody. Befriend who you already are. It’s a lot less work.
Ultimately, these practices will enable you to inspire people from the inside, as opposed to advising them from the outside. Remember: The less you have to prove, the less other people will feel threatened around you.
Do this, and you will show up stronger than ever. What does your presence awaken in people?
You can read the entire post here.