I began preaching before I was old enough to drive.
The church I grew up in was a fantastic place to preach my first sermon. I was fifteen years-old the first time I preached. It was on a Sunday night and I can still remember surveying the crowd and seeing the faces of Sunday school teachers who had taught me when I was still in diapers. Honestly, it was a bit intimidating.
Our pastor took a special interest in me and encouraged me to try preaching (I think he enjoyed having a Sunday night off every now and then). Looking back, I am so thankful to have had a church and a mentor that encouraged me to get in the game.
This weekend I will be concluding our current series with a message about how you will grow spiritually when you move from spectator to participant. Why settle for a dull, boring routine existence when you follow the King of Kings?
Bring a friend and let’s have a great weekend.
P.S. One of our new E4U classes is called “Age of Opportunity” and it’s designed especially for parents of teenagers. Don’t underestimate the potential of what happens during those teenage years!