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What Your Team Needs from You – The Freedom to Fail

By Leadership
In this series of posts, we're exploring what teams need from their leaders. These are the leadership qualities that attract and retain quality team members. They are skills that can be developed with intentional effort - and they will be worth the effort. Number Three - The Freedom to Fail Teams form and come together for many reasons, but one of the most common ones is this: they want to win. Success might be defined in terms of sales numbers, awards, or transformed lives, but regardless of the definition, the desire is the same. They want to do well. In order to do succeed, you must learn how to handle failure. No person, team, or organization will execute perfectly one hundred percent of the time. The ones who value continual improvement will have a system for processing mistakes, missteps, and misunderstandings. Everyone will make a mistake; not everyone will learn…
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What Your Team Needs from You – Development

By Leadership
This is the second post in a series of posts about what every team wants from their leader. In the last post, we talked about the importance of communication -- good communication. Without good communication, teams will break down. When a football breaks the huddle, they must have a clear understanding of what the next play will be. Number Two - Develop Your Players In most organizations, staff and employees represent one of their largest investments. In many, it will be their single largest line item. Yet in many organizations, leaders don't spend much time investing in their top investment. In other words, they're not actively developing the people around them. In seems obvious, but a team member who is not growing will eventually slow down the growth of the organization. When a leader helps a team member improve their skills, everyone benefits. Output increases, attitudes improve, and people enjoy…
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Motivated by Mercy (video)

By Church
As Christians, our desire should be to live a life worthy of the Lord and to seek to please him in every way. But this desire can easily become legalistic or driven by guilt. For Paul, the reason we should aspire to be spiritually mature is rooted in what God has done for us: “he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.”Watch more videos at the Mountainview YouTube channel. Looking for a Speaking Coach? The most successful people are not always the smartest people. But they have one thing in common: they communicate well. I'd love to help you become a better communicator. Click here. Professor at Warner University church planter with Stadia former former president, Church Planters of the Rockies masters in business administration (mba) helped start 2 for-profit tech companies Need a Speaker or Presenter? Interested…
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What Your Team Needs from You – Good Communication

By Leadership
To paraphrase John Maxwell, if you think you're a leader but no one is following you, then you're just out taking a walk. Whether you are leading a team, an organization, or a movement, how do you avoid just taking walks? Over my years in leadership, I've discovered a several factors that are key to attracting, keeping, and developing good team members. I'll be sharing these over the next few posts. Number One - Good Communication Every good leader that I have worked with has been a good communicator. This is much more than being a good presenter. It involves listening skills and the ability to be empathetic. Poor to mediocre leaders do more talking than listening. That's usually a sign of insecurity. I once worked with a person who would start filibustering whenever he didn't want to give an honest answer. He thought he was talking his way out…
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Why Confession is Important

By Church
Have you ever been watching TV when a “Breaking News” segment comes on? There's always dramatic music and special graphics. What I’m about to share with you isn’t breaking news. Honestly, it’s not even news. Here it is: People are human and humans make mistakes. That includes Christians and Christian parents, and it includes Christian pastors who are parents. The lesson I’m sharing with you I learned the hard way – by making mistakes. Confession is a vital part of spiritual development. Why do many people get uncomfortable talking about confession? One obvious reason is this: It means having to admit I did something wrong. As someone who has followed Jesus for almost 40 years, here’s what I’ve learned … Spiritual transformation cannot begin without confession. Our passage this weekend gives us a good framework for processing the idea of confession. It’s written by a close friend of Jesus –…
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